
Lecture notes on IEEE standard 754 for binary floating-point arithmetic Kahan W.

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Kahan W.
Год: 1997
Количество страниц: 30
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF / RAR

Формат файла: RAR

Полное описание

Twenty years ago anarchy threatened floating-point arithmetic. Over a dozen commercially significant arithmetics boasted diverse wordsizes, precisions, rounding procedures and over/underflow behaviors, and more were in the works. "Portable" software intended to reconcile that numerical diversity had become unbearably costly to develop.
Thirteen years ago, when IEEE 754 became official, major microprocessor manufacturers had already adopted it despite the challenge it posed to implementors. With unprecedented altruism, hardware designers had risen to its challenge in the belief that they would ease and encourage a vast burgeoning of numerical software. They did succeed to a considerable extent. Anyway, rounding anomalies that preoccupied all of us in the 1970s afflict only CRAY X-MPs — J90s now.

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