
Elementary topology. A first course Viro O.Y., Ivanov O.A., Netsvetaev N.Y., Kharlamov V.M.

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Viro O.Y., Ivanov O.A., Netsvetaev N.Y., Kharlamov V.M.
Количество страниц: 229
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF / RAR

Формат файла: RAR

Полное описание

This book includes basic material on general topology, introduces algebraic topology via the fundamental group and covering spaces, and provides a background on topological and smooth manifolds. It is written mainly for students with a limited experience in mathematics, but determined to study the subject actively. The material is presented in a concise form, proofs are omitted. Theorems, however, are formulated in detail, and the reader is expected to treat them as problems.

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