
User interface design. Bridging the gap from user requirements to design Wood L.E.

Краткое описание

Wood L.E.
ISBN: 0849331250
Год: 1997
Издательство: CRC Press LLC
Количество страниц: 421
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF / RAR

Формат файла: RAR

Полное описание

This book grew out of a workshop held at CHI'97 in Vancouver in April 1997 on "Transforming User-Centered Analysis into Concrete Design". The workshop was motivated by the lack of published accounts of how experienced designers use the results of user work/task analyses and other tools and resources to produce Graphical User Interface (GUI) designs (i.e., to bridge the gap between analysis and interface design). Interface designers with a wide variety of experience were invited to share their methods for addressing the problem. This book is a result of our collective efforts.
Several themes became apparent in our workshop discussions, such as representations and models of work, scenarios (examples of user tasks), and high- and low-fidelity prototyping; designing for heterogeneous vs. homogeneous user populations; designing "breakthrough" systems vs. supporting existing work or redesigning legacy systems; and the virtues of objected- vs. task-oriented interfaces. Authors of individual chapters elaborate the role of these issues as appropriate to their own methods and work context.
The book should be useful to anyone involved in or interested in the issues surrounding user-centered design of software applications. However, it was our intention to provide information that will be particularly useful to practitioners who have a role in designing GUI's. The emphasis on examples from real GUI design projects will hopefully accomplish that goal.

Файлы по теме
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  • Xr.Cross-device rendering for vector graphics Worth C.
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  • Welcome to Eclipse 0
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  • Проектирование печатных плат в САПР Р—CAD 4.5, Р—CAD 8.5 и ACCEL EDA Сучков Д.И.
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