
PDFTEX users manual Thanh H., Rahtz S., Hagen H., Henkel H.

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Thanh H., Rahtz S., Hagen H., Henkel H.
Количество страниц: 74
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF / RAR

Формат файла: RAR

Полное описание

The main purpose of the pdfTEX project is to create and maintain an extension of TEX that can produce pdf directly from TEX source files and improve/enhance the result of TEX typesetting with the help of pdf. When pdf output is not selected, pdfTgX produces normal dvi output, otherwise it generates pdf output that looks identical to the dvi output. An important aspect of this project is to investigate alternative justification algorithms (e. g. a font expansion algorithm akin to the hz micro-typography algorithm by Prof. Hermann Zapf), optionally making use of multiple master fonts.
pdfTEX is based on the original TEX sources and Web2c, and has been successfully compiled on Unix, Win32 and MSDos systems. It is under active development, with new features trickling in. Great care is taken to keep new pdfTEX versions backward compatible with earlier ones.
For some years there has been a 'moderate' successor to TEX available, called ε-TEX. Because mainstream macro packages such as LATEX have started supporting this welcome extension, pdfTEX also is available as pdfeT[:X. Although in this document we will speak of pdfTEX, we advise users to use pdfeTgX when available. That way they get the best of all worlds and are ready for the future. Starting with TEX Live 2004, that future has arrived: pdfeTEX is now the primary TEX engine.
Other extensions to pdfTEX are MLTEX and encTEX; recent pdfTEX engines have these often included.
pdfTEX is maintained by Han The Thanh, Martin Schroder, Hans Hagen, Hartmut Henkel, and others. The pdfTEX homepage is http: //www. pdf tex. org. Please send pdfTEX comments and bug reports to the mailing list pdftex@tug.org.
We thank all readers who send us corrections and suggestions. We also wish to express the hope that pdfTEX will be of as much use to you as it is to us. Since pdfTEX is still being improved and extended, we suggest you to keep track of updates.

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