
The GNU C library reference manual V 0.10 0

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Язык: Английский
Формат: CHM / RAR

Формат файла: RAR

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Файлы по теме
  • The PDFTEX program Thanh H.T.
    pdfTEX is an extension to TEX which allows the user to generate either DVI or PDF as the primary output format without requiring the use of DVI as an inter-language The current feature set of pdfTEX is discussed, and further extensions which are currently under consideration for adoption are reviewed
  • The GNU libxmi 2-D rasterization library. V 2.0 0
    This is the documentation for version 20 of the GNU libxmi 2-D rasterization library, which is used by С and С++ programmers It converts 2-D geometrical objects, such as polylines, polygons, and arcs, to raster patterns There is support for setting drawing attributes, including line width, join style, cap style, and a multicolored dash pattern
  • PDFTEX users manual Thanh H., Rahtz S., Hagen H., Henkel H.
    The main purpose of the pdfTEX project is to create and maintain an extension of TEX that can produce pdf directly from TEX source files and improve/enhance the result of TEX typesetting with the help of pdf When pdf output is not selected, pdfTgX produces normal dvi output, otherwise it generates pdf output that looks identical to the dvi output
  • The Hugs98 user manual 0
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